Online Public Access Catalog

Ditemukan 49 hasil di pencarian Tugas Akhir

  • Friendship Value in Jumanji: The Next Level Directed by Jake Kasdan

    • Ulfani Paula
    • 2021

    ABSTRACT   Ulfani Paula (31180048), Friendship Value in Jumanji: The Next Level Directed by Jake Kasdan   The objective of this research is to determine the value of friendship of all characters using descriptive qualitative methods. This research are conducted in the film Jumanji: The Next Level. The procedures of this research consist of watching the movie, taking some ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 289 kali

  • Desain dan Implementasi Jaringan CCTV 7 Titik Di CV. Inti Teknik Purwokerto CCTV

    • Diftamia Septi Sandia
    • 2022

    Diftamia Septi Sandia (13190116), Desain dan Implementasi Jaringan CCTV 7 Titik Di CV. Inti Teknik Purwokerto CCTV CCTV banyak digunakan untuk memantau area publik seperti stasiun kereta api, jalan, alun-alun pusat kota, toko-toko, dan bus. Namun, tidak berhenti di tempat umum karena banyak orang sekarang berinvestasi dalam Sistem Keamanan CCTV untuk melindungi rumah mereka. Dengan 9,5 juta ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 177 kali

  • Sacrifices of Two Main Characters in Nicholas Sparks The Best of Me Novel

    • Wilia Yusita
    • 2021

    ABSTRACT     Wilia Yusita (31180115), Sacrifices of Two Main Characters in Nicholas Sparks’ The Bet of Me Novel   The purpose of the study is to find out about the meaning of sacrifice in a relationship entitled the Sacrifice of  Two Main Character in The Best of Me novel. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The research collects several ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 291 kali

  • The Missue in Charlie’s Angel Movie Directed By Elizabeth Banks

    • Rena Indriani
    • 2020

    Rena Indriani (31170196), The Missue in Charlie’s Angel Movie Directed By Elizabeth Banks. The purpose of making this paper is as a graduation requirements for diploma three programme in Bahasa Inggris. In this final assignment the writer wants to discuss about optimism and humanism that can be done by humans in particular discussion. The writer uses a qualitative descriptive research ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 267 kali

  • Ambition Reflected From The Main Characters in The Movie of ‘The Pursuit of Happyness

    • Rizka Nur Amalia
    • 2021

    ABSTRAK   Rizka Nur Amalia (31180013), Ambition Reflected From The Main Characters in The Movie of ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’ Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan karakter ambisi pada tokoh utama dari film The Pursuit of Happyness berdasarkan aspek psikoanalisis, penelitian ini juga menjelaskan ciri-ciri orang yang memiliki karakter ambisi menurut pernyataan dari ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 258 kali



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