• Conversation : resource books for teachers

    Conversation : resource books for teachers

    • Rob Nolasco dan Lois Arthur
    • Oxford University Press
    • 2015
    • 978-0-19-437096-7

    A speaking and listening course for adults and young adults to develop conversational fluency. This popular series gives teachers practical advice and guidance, along with resource ideas and materials for the classroom. The tasks and activities are clearly presented, and offer teachers theinformation they need about level, time, preparation, materials, classroom management, monitoring, and follow-up activities. Each book offers up to 100 ideas, as well as variations that encourage teachers to adapt the activities to suite their individual classrooms.

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Kode Buku : 230345
Kode Klasifikasi : 428
Judul Buku : Conversation : resource books for teachers
Edisi : -
Penulis : Rob Nolasco dan Lois Arthur
Penerbit : Oxford University Press
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2015
ISBN : 978-0-19-437096-7
Tajuk Subjek : Conversation,English Speaking & Pronunciation
Deskripsi : 148 hlm.: ill.; 24 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Okta Ayu Melya Widanti
A speaking and listening course for adults and young adults to develop conversational fluency. This popular series gives teachers practical advice and guidance, along with resource ideas and materials for the classroom. The tasks and activities are clearly presented, and offer teachers theinformation they need about level, time, preparation, materials, classroom management, monitoring, and follow-up activities. Each book offers up to 100 ideas, as well as variations that encourage teachers to adapt the activities to suite their individual classrooms.
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