• Let's talk 1

    Let's talk 1

    • Leo Jones
    • Cambridge University Press
    • 2008
    • 978-0-521-69281-6

    Let's Talk 1, Second Edition, is for students at the high-beginning/low-intermediate level. Features of the Student's Book include more systematic presentation and recycling of structures and vocabulary, an increased focus on communication activities, and new Expansion review sections after every four units. The expanded self-study section now includes grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, offering students additional opportunities to review and consolidate the material. The grammar paradigms and listening text are included on the Self-Study Audio CD packaged with the Student's Book.

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Kode Buku : 230342
Kode Klasifikasi : 428
Judul Buku : Let's talk 1
Edisi : 2
Penulis : Leo Jones
Penerbit : Cambridge University Press
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2008
ISBN : 978-0-521-69281-6
Tajuk Subjek : English Grammar,English Vocabulary,Listening
Deskripsi : vii, 130 hlm.: ill.; 27 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Okta Ayu Melya Widanti
Let's Talk 1, Second Edition, is for students at the high-beginning/low-intermediate level. Features of the Student's Book include more systematic presentation and recycling of structures and vocabulary, an increased focus on communication activities, and new Expansion review sections after every four units. The expanded self-study section now includes grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, offering students additional opportunities to review and consolidate the material. The grammar paradigms and listening text are included on the Self-Study Audio CD packaged with the Student's Book.
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