• Read this! 2 : fascinating stories from the content areas

    Read this! 2 : fascinating stories from the content areas

    • Daphne Mackey dan Alice Savage
    • Cambridge University Press
    • 2015
    • 978-0-521-74789-9

    Read This! is a four-book reading series designed for adult and young adult ESL students at the high beginning to intermediate levels. Read This!, Level 2 contains fifteen stories relating to the fields of Health Care, Animal Studies, Food and Nutrition, Criminal Justice, and Psychology. For example, students read about how the first vaccine was discovered, how Europeans came to see their first giraffe, and the potentially fatal risk of Internet addiction. The nonfiction readings are written in an accessible narrative style, and the vocabulary and exercise material are appropriate for low intermediate to intermediate-level students. This enjoyable and fascinating text eases students into reading content-rich texts.

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Kode Buku : 230321
Kode Klasifikasi : 421.55
Judul Buku : Read this! 2 : fascinating stories from the content areas
Edisi : -
Penulis : Daphne Mackey dan Alice Savage
Penerbit : Cambridge University Press
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2015
ISBN : 978-0-521-74789-9
Tajuk Subjek : Reading,English Textbook,Workbook
Deskripsi : x, 125 hlm.: ill.; 25 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Okta Ayu Melya Widanti
Read This! is a four-book reading series designed for adult and young adult ESL students at the high beginning to intermediate levels. Read This!, Level 2 contains fifteen stories relating to the fields of Health Care, Animal Studies, Food and Nutrition, Criminal Justice, and Psychology. For example, students read about how the first vaccine was discovered, how Europeans came to see their first giraffe, and the potentially fatal risk of Internet addiction. The nonfiction readings are written in an accessible narrative style, and the vocabulary and exercise material are appropriate for low intermediate to intermediate-level students. This enjoyable and fascinating text eases students into reading content-rich texts.
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