• English for professional food and beverage services

    English for professional food and beverage services

    • Sutanto Leo
    • Penerbit Erlangga
    • 2019
    • 978-602-434-412-2

    English for Professional Food and Beverage Services is highly recommended for hotel workers and/or hospitality training school students majoring in food and beverages services. This book is also useful for waiter and waitresses who work in international restaurants. This book provides material for improving the four language skills and developing knowledge as well as understanding required to become professional waiter and waitresses. In this book you can find 25 topics, starting from Introduction, restaurant service imnformation, handling reservations and special reservation cases, setting the table, explaining foods on the menu, handling complaints and payments, giving directions, and how to handle a job interview.

    Kata Kunci
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Kampus:
    • Yogyakarta
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Kode Buku : 230189
Kode Klasifikasi : 428.3
Judul Buku : English for professional food and beverage services
Edisi : 1
Penulis : Sutanto Leo
Penerbit : Penerbit Erlangga
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2019
ISBN : 978-602-434-412-2
Tajuk Subjek : English Conversation,English For Hotel
Deskripsi : viii, 216 hlm. : ill.; 24 cm
Eksemplar : 2
Stok : 2
Petugas : Nunung Dwi Aminawati
English for Professional Food and Beverage Services is highly recommended for hotel workers and/or hospitality training school students majoring in food and beverages services. This book is also useful for waiter and waitresses who work in international restaurants. This book provides material for improving the four language skills and developing knowledge as well as understanding required to become professional waiter and waitresses. In this book you can find 25 topics, starting from Introduction, restaurant service imnformation, handling reservations and special reservation cases, setting the table, explaining foods on the menu, handling complaints and payments, giving directions, and how to handle a job interview.
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