• Microsoft office 97 integration : step by step

    Microsoft office 97 integration : step by step

    • Catapult
    • Microsoft press
    • 1997
    • 979-20-0170-0

    With this book and Microsoft Office 97 you'll learn to use the Office Binder to combine related letters, reports, spreadsheets, charts, presentations, and other documents into one cohesive project; save time and effort by automating updates to documents - never again type the same information in more than one place; easily import existing documents and information from previous versions of Office and other programs and combine them in new projects; share a document using e-mail, a network, or an intranet and update the document to reflect coworkers' revisions; use Microsoft Query, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Access together to analyze data; import data from Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel into a database table in Microsoft Access; integrate text, tables, charts, and other information into a presentation; add hyperlinks to information to make it available via the Internet or an intranet; and use Microsoft FrontPage to publish documents on the Internet or an intranet.

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Kode Buku : 221204
Kode Klasifikasi : 005.5
Judul Buku : Microsoft office 97 integration : step by step
Edisi : -
Penulis : Catapult
Penerbit : Microsoft press
Bahasa : Indonesia
Tahun : 1997
ISBN : 979-20-0170-0
Tajuk Subjek : Microsoft,Microsoft Office
Deskripsi : xxviii, 304 hlm. ; ill. ; 23 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Nur Santy, S.Hum
With this book and Microsoft Office 97 you'll learn to use the Office Binder to combine related letters, reports, spreadsheets, charts, presentations, and other documents into one cohesive project; save time and effort by automating updates to documents - never again type the same information in more than one place; easily import existing documents and information from previous versions of Office and other programs and combine them in new projects; share a document using e-mail, a network, or an intranet and update the document to reflect coworkers' revisions; use Microsoft Query, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Access together to analyze data; import data from Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel into a database table in Microsoft Access; integrate text, tables, charts, and other information into a presentation; add hyperlinks to information to make it available via the Internet or an intranet; and use Microsoft FrontPage to publish documents on the Internet or an intranet.
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