• Business Objectives

    Business Objectives

    • Hollet, Vicki
    • Oxford
    • 1996
    • 978-0194513913

    Business Objectives offers controlled grammar practice, systematic teaching of relevant vocabulary, and challenging activities that encourage students to use their own business experience. Vicki Hollett is a graduate of Reading and Essex Universities in the UK, and now lives and teaches Business English in the USA. She has also taught in Japan and Algeria and run numerous workshops for teachers in Europe, the Far East, and South America.

    Kata Kunci
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Kampus:
    • Kramat 98, Kaliabang
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Kode Buku : 220567
Kode Klasifikasi : 428
Judul Buku : Business Objectives
Edisi : -
Penulis : Hollet, Vicki
Penerbit : Oxford
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 1996
ISBN : 978-0194513913
Tajuk Subjek : Bahasa Inggris
Deskripsi : 192 hlm. : ill.; 25 cm
Eksemplar : 3
Stok : 3
Petugas : Nur Santy, S.Hum
Business Objectives offers controlled grammar practice, systematic teaching of relevant vocabulary, and challenging activities that encourage students to use their own business experience. Vicki Hollett is a graduate of Reading and Essex Universities in the UK, and now lives and teaches Business English in the USA. She has also taught in Japan and Algeria and run numerous workshops for teachers in Europe, the Far East, and South America.
Terkait Subjek Buku yang sama



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