• English sentence structure : The succesor to english sentence patterns

    English sentence structure : The succesor to english sentence patterns

    • Krohn, Robert
    • The university of michigan press
    • 1990
    • -

    Another series you can get on Improving English Skills by Desmond Evans Model Business Letters by L. Gartside ed. 3 The Business Letters Model by L. Gartside cd. 3 (bilingual edition) Modern Business Correspondence by L. Gartside ed. 4 Modern Business Correspondence by L. Gartside ed. 4 (bilingual ed.) Personal Letter for Business People by Mary Bosticco ed. 3 (bilingual edition) Instant Business Letters by Mary Bosticco ed. 2 (bilingual edition). English Sentence Structure by Robert Krohn Pitman Business Correspondence by G. Whitehead et al. English for Business by W. Ferrier Mavor ed. 3 Basic Office English by A. Ashley Basic Commercial English by A. Ashley Business English Practice Book 1 by A. Ashley Business English Practice Book 2 by A. Ashley English for Business Studies by L. Gartside ed. 3 Secondary Vocabulary Book 1 by Evelyn et al Secondary Vocabulary Book 2 by Evelyn et al PSLE ??Vocabulary Practice with Wordlists by TS Kon Primary Vocabulary Practice with Word Study Book 1 by TS Kon Primary Vocabulary Practice with Word Study Book 2 by TS Kon Primary Vocabulary Practice with Wordlists Book 3 by TS Kon Primary Vocabulary Practice with Wordlists Book 4 by TS Kon Primary Vocabulary Practice with Wordlists Book 5 by TS Kon Building Skills For The TOEFL by Carol King et al (accompanied by 4 tapes) Guide Correspondence in French by Simone Oudot Guide Correspondence in German Grammar for Use by Eugene J. Hall Grammar Step-by-Step Book 1 by Lorraine et al Grammar Step-by-Step Book 2 by Lorraine et al Pitman Business English -1 by Susan Davier et al Pitman Business English -2 by Susan Davier et al Pitman Business English -3 by Susan Davier et al English for the Office by Peter Little Everyday English by John Rook

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Kode Buku : 220529
Kode Klasifikasi : 425
Judul Buku : English sentence structure : The succesor to english sentence patterns
Edisi : -
Penulis : Krohn, Robert
Penerbit : The university of michigan press
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 1990
ISBN : -
Tajuk Subjek : Bahasa Inggris,Tata Bahasa
Deskripsi : xiii, 295 hlm. ; 20 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Nur Santy, S.Hum
Another series you can get on Improving English Skills by Desmond Evans Model Business Letters by L. Gartside ed. 3 The Business Letters Model by L. Gartside cd. 3 (bilingual edition) Modern Business Correspondence by L. Gartside ed. 4 Modern Business Correspondence by L. Gartside ed. 4 (bilingual ed.) Personal Letter for Business People by Mary Bosticco ed. 3 (bilingual edition) Instant Business Letters by Mary Bosticco ed. 2 (bilingual edition). English Sentence Structure by Robert Krohn Pitman Business Correspondence by G. Whitehead et al. English for Business by W. Ferrier Mavor ed. 3 Basic Office English by A. Ashley Basic Commercial English by A. Ashley Business English Practice Book 1 by A. Ashley Business English Practice Book 2 by A. Ashley English for Business Studies by L. Gartside ed. 3 Secondary Vocabulary Book 1 by Evelyn et al Secondary Vocabulary Book 2 by Evelyn et al PSLE ??Vocabulary Practice with Wordlists by TS Kon Primary Vocabulary Practice with Word Study Book 1 by TS Kon Primary Vocabulary Practice with Word Study Book 2 by TS Kon Primary Vocabulary Practice with Wordlists Book 3 by TS Kon Primary Vocabulary Practice with Wordlists Book 4 by TS Kon Primary Vocabulary Practice with Wordlists Book 5 by TS Kon Building Skills For The TOEFL by Carol King et al (accompanied by 4 tapes) Guide Correspondence in French by Simone Oudot Guide Correspondence in German Grammar for Use by Eugene J. Hall Grammar Step-by-Step Book 1 by Lorraine et al Grammar Step-by-Step Book 2 by Lorraine et al Pitman Business English -1 by Susan Davier et al Pitman Business English -2 by Susan Davier et al Pitman Business English -3 by Susan Davier et al English for the Office by Peter Little Everyday English by John Rook
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