• English for hotel management

    English for hotel management

    • Dwi Iswahyuni dan Angela Bayu Pertama Sari
    • Graha Ilmu
    • 2020
    • 978-623-228-427-2

    “Little-little I can”, that answer appears quite frequent when teachers or lecturers ask the Indonesian students about their English mastery. The very minimum English mastery is due to the minimum exposures of communicative practices and the chances to speak up. This book contributes to minimize that problem by providing the Hotel Management and Tourism students with a book that is packed with the brief theory about hotel management, grammar application for the real work setting, engaging conversation practices, contextual reading in the hotel management field and a bunch of exercises. Moreover, this book points out on several hotel management topics: hotel industry, front office (receptionist and telephone operator), reservation, regret a booking, handling early arrival, reservation for special purposes, prices, cashier and paying method, restaurants and food & beverages. By using this book, let’s practice a lot to improve your English skills!

    Kata Kunci
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Kampus:
    • Kramat 98, Kaliabang, Yogyakarta
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Kode Buku : 220358
Kode Klasifikasi : 428
Judul Buku : English for hotel management
Edisi : 1
Penulis : Dwi Iswahyuni dan Angela Bayu Pertama Sari
Penerbit : Graha Ilmu
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2020
ISBN : 978-623-228-427-2
Tajuk Subjek : English For Hotel
Deskripsi : xiv, 80 hlm.; 24 cm
Eksemplar : 9
Stok : 9
Petugas : Oktari Sunaringsih
“Little-little I can”, that answer appears quite frequent when teachers or lecturers ask the Indonesian students about their English mastery. The very minimum English mastery is due to the minimum exposures of communicative practices and the chances to speak up. This book contributes to minimize that problem by providing the Hotel Management and Tourism students with a book that is packed with the brief theory about hotel management, grammar application for the real work setting, engaging conversation practices, contextual reading in the hotel management field and a bunch of exercises. Moreover, this book points out on several hotel management topics: hotel industry, front office (receptionist and telephone operator), reservation, regret a booking, handling early arrival, reservation for special purposes, prices, cashier and paying method, restaurants and food & beverages. By using this book, let’s practice a lot to improve your English skills!
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