• Direct your own damn movie

    Direct your own damn movie

    • Kaufman, Lloyd
    • Focal Press
    • 2009
    • 978-0-240-81052-2

    he Independent Directing Bible that will fit in your back pocket! (If you have an extremely large pocket...) Have you always wanted to direct a movie, but don't know how to start? Want to know how to get your first directing job? What do directors even do, anyway? Legendary director Lloyd Kaufman, creator of The Toxic Avenger, reveals 40 years worth of maverick cinematic know-how! Direct Your Own Damn Movie! will be your step-by-step roadmap on the journey through: * Scriptwriting * Pre-production * Casting * Managing your set * Post-production * Distribution

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Kode Buku : 214278
Kode Klasifikasi : 720
Judul Buku : Direct your own damn movie
Edisi : -
Penulis : Kaufman, Lloyd
Penerbit : Focal Press
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2009
ISBN : 978-0-240-81052-2
Tajuk Subjek : Movie
Deskripsi : xxiii, 215 hlm. : ill. : ind. ; 24 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Warnida, A.Md
he Independent Directing Bible that will fit in your back pocket!
(If you have an extremely large pocket...)

Have you always wanted to direct a movie, but don't know how to start?

Want to know how to get your first directing job?

What do directors even do, anyway?

Legendary director Lloyd Kaufman, creator of The Toxic Avenger, reveals 40 years worth of maverick cinematic know-how! Direct Your Own Damn Movie! will be your step-by-step roadmap on the journey through:
* Scriptwriting
* Pre-production
* Casting
* Managing your set
* Post-production
* Distribution
Terkait Subjek Buku yang sama



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