• Social media playbook for business : reaching your online community with twitter, facebook, linkedln and more

    Social media playbook for business : reaching your online community with twitter, facebook, linkedln and more

    • Funk, Tom
    • Praeger
    • 2011
    • 978-0-313-38626-8

    This practical guide can help any business or organization make sense of the social media buzz and build a successful online community. Social media can be an incredibly powerful marketing tool that brings a company or organization huge rewards. But for beginners in this new world, the potential risks are also high. Consumers are particularly passionate in the online world; the most active social networkers are poised to be your brand's gushing fans?or your most scathing critics. Both multimillion-dollar profits and self-inflicted PR fiascos are possible via social media. This guidebook begins by defining "social media," "social networking," and other terms that may be ambiguous, then details what recent market research reveals about the scope and growth rate of the social media landscape. Real-world examples of both large and small organizations who have successfully implemented social media strategies are showcased, and the hype and failed promise of famous flash-in-the-pan social networks are examined. The author outlines a comprehensive strategy for success with social media, including practical information on watching metrics, establishing beachheads, determining your driver, building a checklist of driver "amplifications," and combating the "what now?" factor.

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Kode Buku : 213838
Kode Klasifikasi : 006.754
Judul Buku : Social media playbook for business : reaching your online community with twitter, facebook, linkedln and more
Edisi : 1
Penulis : Funk, Tom
Penerbit : Praeger
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2011
ISBN : 978-0-313-38626-8
Tajuk Subjek : Sosial media,Bisnis
Deskripsi : x, 263 hlm. : ind. ; 29 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Ria Indriani, S.Hum
This practical guide can help any business or organization make sense of the social media buzz and build a successful online community.

Social media can be an incredibly powerful marketing tool that brings a company or organization huge rewards. But for beginners in this new world, the potential risks are also high. Consumers are particularly passionate in the online world; the most active social networkers are poised to be your brand's gushing fans?or your most scathing critics. Both multimillion-dollar profits and self-inflicted PR fiascos are possible via social media.

This guidebook begins by defining "social media," "social networking," and other terms that may be ambiguous, then details what recent market research reveals about the scope and growth rate of the social media landscape. Real-world examples of both large and small organizations who have successfully implemented social media strategies are showcased, and the hype and failed promise of famous flash-in-the-pan social networks are examined. The author outlines a comprehensive strategy for success with social media, including practical information on watching metrics, establishing beachheads, determining your driver, building a checklist of driver "amplifications," and combating the "what now?" factor.
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