• Think before you engage : 100 questions to ask before starting a social media marketing campaign

    Think before you engage : 100 questions to ask before starting a social media marketing campaign

    • Peck, Dave
    • WILEY
    • 2011
    • ? 978-1118018811

    Be sure you've addressed the most important questions before using social media to market your company or brand! From small business owners to job seekers, social media marketing campaigns are being started every day. However, without the proper prep work, campaigns fail, brands or organizations are impacted, customers are not engaged, and money and efforts are wasted. This invaluable guide answers all the most important questions to consider before starting a marketing campaign using social media so you can avoid common pitfalls. Social media guru and author David Peck presents you with a working knowledge of the different social media tools that are needed to effectively embark on a social media marketing campaign. Guides you through defining goals, setting up a web site, using pertinent social networks, linking sites together, building a community, and monitoring progress Features numerous real-world stories that offer unique insight on what to do and what not to do Shares simple tips for developing a web site with no code required Sifts through the enormous amount of social media available and helps you select which is most appropriate for your needs Addresses how to locate and engage people and then keep them coming back Answering a plethora of common questions, this book shows you how to engage your customers with social media in a way that will keep them coming back for more.

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Kode Buku : 213818
Kode Klasifikasi : 006.754
Judul Buku : Think before you engage : 100 questions to ask before starting a social media marketing campaign
Edisi : -
Penulis : Peck, Dave
Penerbit : WILEY
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2011
ISBN : ? 978-1118018811
Tajuk Subjek : Sosial media
Deskripsi : 207 hlm. : ill. ; 24 cm
Eksemplar : 2
Stok : 2
Petugas : Ria Indriani, S.Hum
Be sure you've addressed the most important questions before using social media to market your company or brand!

From small business owners to job seekers, social media marketing campaigns are being started every day. However, without the proper prep work, campaigns fail, brands or organizations are impacted, customers are not engaged, and money and efforts are wasted. This invaluable guide answers all the most important questions to consider before starting a marketing campaign using social media so you can avoid common pitfalls.

Social media guru and author David Peck presents you with a working knowledge of the different social media tools that are needed to effectively embark on a social media marketing campaign.

Guides you through defining goals, setting up a web site, using pertinent social networks, linking sites together, building a community, and monitoring progress
Features numerous real-world stories that offer unique insight on what to do and what not to do
Shares simple tips for developing a web site with no code required
Sifts through the enormous amount of social media available and helps you select which is most appropriate for your needs
Addresses how to locate and engage people and then keep them coming back

Answering a plethora of common questions, this book shows you how to engage your customers with social media in a way that will keep them coming back for more.
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