• Billions entrepreneurs : how China and India are reshaping their futures and yours

    Billions entrepreneurs : how China and India are reshaping their futures and yours

    • Khanna, Tarun
    • Harvard Business Review Press
    • 2011
    • 978-1-4221-5728-2

    Much attention is being paid to business opportunity in China and India, the world's most populous nations. According to Tarun Khanna, it's the new entrepreneurial emergence of these two nations that will have the greatest impact on business, politics, and global society as a whole. Billions of Entrepreneurs is an elegantly written book that mixes on-the-ground stories with thorough research to show how Chinese and Indian entrepreneurs are creating change through new business models, and bringing hope to countless people across the globe.

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Kode Buku : 213814
Kode Klasifikasi : 338.04
Judul Buku : Billions entrepreneurs : how China and India are reshaping their futures and yours
Edisi : -
Penulis : Khanna, Tarun
Penerbit : Harvard Business Review Press
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2011
ISBN : 978-1-4221-5728-2
Tajuk Subjek : Bisnis,Entrepreneurship
Deskripsi : xi, 353 hlm. : ind. ; 21 cm
Eksemplar : 2
Stok : 2
Petugas : Ria Indriani, S.Hum
Much attention is being paid to business opportunity in China and India, the world's most populous nations. According to Tarun Khanna, it's the new entrepreneurial emergence of these two nations that will have the greatest impact on business, politics, and global society as a whole.

Billions of Entrepreneurs is an elegantly written book that mixes on-the-ground stories with thorough research to show how Chinese and Indian entrepreneurs are creating change through new business models, and bringing hope to countless people across the globe.
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