• Create success

    Create success

    • Doyle, Jon
    • The McGraw Hill
    • 2012
    • 978-0073375137

    Research shows the best chance a student has at success and persistence in college is to get involved and engaged with the school within 30 days of orientation through relationships, whether with an instructor, staff, or other students. Create Success provides students and instructors with the tools needed to foster these relationships. With agile social learning, instructors can immediately facilitate an active and engaged classroom environment and help students create connections with each other and the school community. Agile?What you need, when you need it. The modular approach of Create Success allows for complete and easy customization from the start. Each of the modules is self-contained, can be used as a stand-alone workshop, and can be taught in any order. New modules can also be created easily and added with this approach. •Each module is 32 pages, focused on a single topic, and designed for consistency. •You can deliver the content in the classroom or online with Connect Plus. For more information about Connect Plus, simply visit the following website: http://connect.mcgraw-hill.com. Social?Connected students stay in school. Social Learning engages students to interact and bond with each other, their instructor, and key personnel at their institution EARLY and OFTEN. This activity-based method of instruction and learning is at the center of every class. •Get Ready activities at the beginning of every section help the class jump right into participating. •Facilitation is made easy with complete Active Classroom Guides for the classroom and online. •Transform your instructors from lecturers into facilitators, mentors, and coaches. Learning?Connect your present to your future. Learning is complete when content is in practice. Create Success harnesses what students are already doing?interacting with one another?into meaningful activities. These activities support a better student now and a better career later. •The Create Success activities build toward a tangible output with the Portfolio Activities that prove learning and reflect growth and accomplishments. •Life outside school hours have a huge impact on student success. The mini-features?Money Smarts, On the Job, and My Success Story?address a holistic vision of life’s challenges and successes. Create Connections, Create Success

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Kode Buku : 213791
Kode Klasifikasi : 378.1542
Judul Buku : Create success
Edisi : 1
Penulis : Doyle, Jon
Penerbit : The McGraw Hill
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2012
ISBN : 978-0073375137
Tajuk Subjek : Sukses,Sosial
Deskripsi : xxxi, 416 hlm. : ill. , ind. ; 27 cm
Eksemplar : 3
Stok : 3
Petugas : Ria Indriani, S.Hum
Research shows the best chance a student has at success and persistence in college is to get involved and engaged with the school within 30 days of orientation through relationships, whether with an instructor, staff, or other students. Create Success provides students and instructors with the tools needed to foster these relationships. With agile social learning, instructors can immediately facilitate an active and engaged classroom environment and help students create connections with each other and the school community.

Agile?What you need, when you need it. The modular approach of Create Success allows for complete and easy customization from the start. Each of the modules is self-contained, can be used as a stand-alone workshop, and can be taught in any order. New modules can also be created easily and added with this approach.
•Each module is 32 pages, focused on a single topic, and designed for consistency.

•You can deliver the content in the classroom or online with Connect Plus. For more information about Connect Plus, simply visit the following website: http://connect.mcgraw-hill.com.

Social?Connected students stay in school. Social Learning engages students to interact and bond with each other, their instructor, and key personnel at their institution EARLY and OFTEN. This activity-based method of instruction and learning is at the center of every class.

•Get Ready activities at the beginning of every section help the class jump right into participating.

•Facilitation is made easy with complete Active Classroom Guides for the classroom and online.

•Transform your instructors from lecturers into facilitators, mentors, and coaches.

Learning?Connect your present to your future. Learning is complete when content is in practice. Create Success harnesses what students are already doing?interacting with one another?into meaningful activities. These activities support a better student now and a better career later.

•The Create Success activities build toward a tangible output with the Portfolio Activities that prove learning and reflect growth and accomplishments.

•Life outside school hours have a huge impact on student success. The mini-features?Money Smarts, On the Job, and My Success Story?address a holistic vision of life’s challenges and successes.

Create Connections, Create Success
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