• Peak performance success in college and beyond

    Peak performance success in college and beyond

    • Ferrett, Sharon K.
    • The McGraw Hill
    • 2011
    • 978-0073375199

    his best-selling text presents new and returning college students with practical, hands-on strategies for increasing their performance inside and outside the classroom. Peak Performance helps students make the connection between their academic efforts and their job and life skills. Students learn a variety of personal productivity skills related to positive work and study habits, as well as creative problem-solving, organizational, and interpersonal skills. This new edition includes new features to encourage students to practice their decision making skills and focus on one task at a time to achieve peak performance. This practical guide includes the most “how to” information to give students ample opportunity to put the material into practice.

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Kode Buku : 213790
Kode Klasifikasi : 378.1542
Judul Buku : Peak performance success in college and beyond
Edisi : 8
Penulis : Ferrett, Sharon K.
Penerbit : The McGraw Hill
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2011
ISBN : 978-0073375199
Tajuk Subjek : Pendidikan,Psikologi
Deskripsi : xxxii, 493 hlm. : ill. ind. ; 28 cm
Eksemplar : 4
Stok : 4
Petugas : Ria Indriani, S.Hum
his best-selling text presents new and returning college students with practical, hands-on strategies for increasing their performance inside and outside the classroom. Peak Performance helps students make the connection between their academic efforts and their job and life skills. Students learn a variety of personal productivity skills related to positive work and study habits, as well as creative problem-solving, organizational, and interpersonal skills.

This new edition includes new features to encourage students to practice their decision making skills and focus on one task at a time to achieve peak performance. This practical guide includes the most “how to” information to give students ample opportunity to put the material into practice.
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