• iPad greekery : 50 insanelycool hack and mods for your apple tablet

    iPad greekery : 50 insanelycool hack and mods for your apple tablet

    • David, Guy Hart
    • The McGraw Hill
    • 2007
    • iPad greekery : 50 insanelycool hack and mods for

    You've already mastered iPad essentials. Now, become a bona-fide power-user and transform your iPad into a media center, gaming device, photo and video camera, document editor, and high-powered computer. Through easy-to-follow instructions and illustrations, iPad Geekery: 50 Insanely Cool Hacks and Mods for Your Apple Tablet teaches you these expert tricks. You'll also find out how to secure your iPad, protect your personal information, and install apps from any source.

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Kode Buku : 213784
Kode Klasifikasi : 004
Judul Buku : iPad greekery : 50 insanelycool hack and mods for your apple tablet
Edisi : -
Penulis : David, Guy Hart
Penerbit : The McGraw Hill
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2007
ISBN : iPad greekery : 50 insanelycool hack and mods for
Tajuk Subjek : Hardware
Deskripsi : xiv, 290 hlm. : ill., ind. ; 23 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Ria Indriani, S.Hum
You've already mastered iPad essentials. Now, become a bona-fide power-user and transform your iPad into a media center, gaming device, photo and video camera, document editor, and high-powered computer. Through easy-to-follow instructions and illustrations, iPad Geekery: 50 Insanely Cool Hacks and Mods for Your Apple Tablet teaches you these expert tricks. You'll also find out how to secure your iPad, protect your personal information, and install apps from any source.
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