• Electronic gadgets for the evil genius

    Electronic gadgets for the evil genius

    • Iannini, Bob
    • The McGraw Hill
    • 2014
    • 78-0071790598

    Spark your creativity with this wickedly inventive guide. Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius, Second Edition, is filled with completely new, amped-up projects that will shock and amaze, such as super-big Tesla coils, lasers, plasma devices, and electrokinetics contraptions. Using affordable, easy-to-find components and equipment, each do-it-yourself project begins with information on safety, the difficulty level, practical uses for the gadget, and the tools needed to complete the project. You’ll gain valuable skills while enjoying hours of rewarding--and slightly twisted--fun! Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius, Second Edition: Features step-by-step instructions and helpful illustrations Provides full schematic and construction details for every project Covers the scientific principles behind the projects Removes the frustration factor--all required parts are listed along with sources Build these and other devious devices: Automatic programmable charger Full-feature plasma driver Capacitor-discharge drilling machine and dielectric tester Capacitor exploder Field detector High-power therapeutic magnetic pulser Singing arc Solid-state Tesla coil Six-foot Jacob’s ladder Free high-voltage experimental energy device HHO reactor cell Hydrogen howitzer Faraday cage

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Kode Buku : 213774
Kode Klasifikasi : 004
Judul Buku : Electronic gadgets for the evil genius
Edisi : 2
Penulis : Iannini, Bob
Penerbit : The McGraw Hill
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2014
ISBN : 78-0071790598
Tajuk Subjek : Hardware
Deskripsi : ix, 326 hlm. : ill., ind. ; 27 cm
Eksemplar : 4
Stok : 4
Petugas : Ria Indriani, S.Hum
Spark your creativity with this wickedly inventive guide. Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius, Second Edition, is filled with completely new, amped-up projects that will shock and amaze, such as super-big Tesla coils, lasers, plasma devices, and electrokinetics contraptions.

Using affordable, easy-to-find components and equipment, each do-it-yourself project begins with information on safety, the difficulty level, practical uses for the gadget, and the tools needed to complete the project. You’ll gain valuable skills while enjoying hours of rewarding--and slightly twisted--fun!

Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius, Second Edition:

Features step-by-step instructions and helpful illustrations
Provides full schematic and construction details for every project
Covers the scientific principles behind the projects
Removes the frustration factor--all required parts are listed along with sources

Build these and other devious devices:

Automatic programmable charger
Full-feature plasma driver
Capacitor-discharge drilling machine and dielectric tester
Capacitor exploder
Field detector
High-power therapeutic magnetic pulser
Singing arc
Solid-state Tesla coil
Six-foot Jacob’s ladder
Free high-voltage experimental energy device
HHO reactor cell
Hydrogen howitzer
Faraday cage
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