• The Innovator's fielf guide : market tested methods and frameworks help you meet your innovation challenges

    The Innovator's fielf guide : market tested methods and frameworks help you meet your innovation challenges

    • Skarzynski, Peter dan David Crosswhite
    • John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    • 2014
    • 978-7-778-61430-0

    There are plenty of books out there on innovation, but none of them answer this central question: What are the practical steps and actionable approaches for building an innovation capability and culture within your organization? If you are looking for complicated theory or academic debates, The Innovator’s Field Guide is not for you. This book is for leaders and practitioners who need actionable techniques to overcome their innovation challenges. This is a guide to implementing innovation now. Peter Skarzynski and David Crosswhite have helped scores of Global 1000 companies build their capabilities to innovate and grow. They share market-tested techniques in concrete terms that are designed to help practitioners and leaders design and execute their growth agenda through innovation. You’ll learn how to identify potential breakthrough ideas, get those ideas to action, accelerate development of nascent or “stuck” concepts, and manage risk through rapid-cycle experimentation. And you’ll learn how to avoid common pitfalls that stall innovation. Each chapter includes a summary of the “Key Take-Aways” so you can easily use the guide as an ongoing reference resource. The Innovator’s Field Guide is designed for everyday application. Embedding reliable innovation capability is critical to winning in today’s marketplace, and with The Innovator’s Field Guide, that work starts today.

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Kode Buku : 213602
Kode Klasifikasi : 658.4
Judul Buku : The Innovator's fielf guide : market tested methods and frameworks help you meet your innovation challenges
Edisi : -
Penulis : Skarzynski, Peter dan David Crosswhite
Penerbit : John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2014
ISBN : 978-7-778-61430-0
Tajuk Subjek : Manajemen
Deskripsi : vii, 277 hlm. : ill., ind. ; 25 x 20 cm
Eksemplar : 2
Stok : 2
Petugas : Ria Indriani, S.Hum
There are plenty of books out there on innovation, but none of them answer this central question: What are the practical steps and actionable approaches for building an innovation capability and culture within your organization? If you are looking for complicated theory or academic debates, The Innovator’s Field Guide is not for you. This book is for leaders and practitioners who need actionable techniques to overcome their innovation challenges. This is a guide to implementing innovation now.

Peter Skarzynski and David Crosswhite have helped scores of Global 1000 companies build their capabilities to innovate and grow. They share market-tested techniques in concrete terms that are designed to help practitioners and leaders design and execute their growth agenda through innovation. You’ll learn how to identify potential breakthrough ideas, get those ideas to action, accelerate development of nascent or “stuck” concepts, and manage risk through rapid-cycle experimentation. And you’ll learn how to avoid common pitfalls that stall innovation.

Each chapter includes a summary of the “Key Take-Aways” so you can easily use the guide as an ongoing reference resource. The Innovator’s Field Guide is designed for everyday application. Embedding reliable innovation capability is critical to winning in today’s marketplace, and with The Innovator’s Field Guide, that work starts today.
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