• Generic text structure

    Generic text structure

    • Sanggam Siahaan and Kisno Shinoda
    • Graha Ilmu
    • 2007
    • 978-979-756-314-1

    The native speakers of a language are subject to a set of rules in the production and interpretation of a text in the language. The production and interpretation of a text in a language is rule governed. The rule is conventional. It is not an individual man made. It is not the work of a linguist. The set of rules are acquired from the speech community of the language. The acquisition is not an inheritance too. The native speakers of the language learn it through an informal process. The English text is also unique. It is the way its native speaker to organize a piece of both spoken and written information. This way is the culture of the native English speaker to communicate in both the spoken or written language. This means that learning the English text is learning to communicate in the culture of the English people. The native speakers of the other languages must learn the way the native speakers of the English language if they want to communicate in both the spoken and written English successfully.

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Kode Buku : 212825
Kode Klasifikasi : 425
Judul Buku : Generic text structure
Edisi : -
Penulis : Sanggam Siahaan and Kisno Shinoda
Penerbit : Graha Ilmu
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2007
ISBN : 978-979-756-314-1
Tajuk Subjek : English Structure
Deskripsi : 162 hal, 23 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Arum Johan Purnamasari
The native speakers of a language are subject to a set of rules in the production and interpretation of a text in the language. The production and interpretation of a text in a language is rule governed. The rule is conventional. It is not an individual man made. It is not the work of a linguist. The set of rules are acquired from the speech community of the language. The acquisition is not an inheritance too. The native speakers of the language learn it through an informal process. The English text is also unique. It is the way its native speaker to organize a piece of both spoken and written information. This way is the culture of the native English speaker to communicate in both the spoken or written language. This means that learning the English text is learning to communicate in the culture of the English people. The native speakers of the other languages must learn the way the native speakers of the English language if they want to communicate in both the spoken and written English successfully.
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