• A challenging book to pravtice teaching in english

    A challenging book to pravtice teaching in english

    • Sutanto Leo
    • ANDI
    • 2013
    • 978-979-29-3927-9

    There are more and more non-english teachers whotaech in non-English speaking countries. Since they do not have English background, they have no courage to speak, find difficulties to express there ideas, and are not confident of speaking. A challenging Book to Practice Teaching in English is a course book designed not only for non-English teachers who have no English background and strive to teach in English but also for English teachers who want to help their colleagues to practice using English in teaching and atudents of teachers colleges who intend to teach in English. This book have been deeply though to focus on: starting to use Englisah, striving better pronunciation,being aware of common mistake, exploring theory of teaching, planning a lesson, garnishing a teching presentation, given project assignments, attempting to manage a better class, evaluating a teaching performance, and developing a teaching profession. A Challenging Book to Practice Teaching in English is a course book designed by an academician. His academic experience has been poured into this very practical book. In addition, these materials have been tried out by some groups of non-English high School teachers and other groups of non- English lecturers at STP Bandung

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Kode Buku : 212766
Kode Klasifikasi : 371.102
Judul Buku : A challenging book to pravtice teaching in english
Edisi : 1
Penulis : Sutanto Leo
Penerbit : ANDI
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2013
ISBN : 978-979-29-3927-9
Tajuk Subjek : English Teaching
Deskripsi : xii, 276 hal, 23 cm
Eksemplar : 2
Stok : 2
Petugas : Arum Johan Purnamasari
There are more and more non-english teachers whotaech in non-English speaking countries. Since they do not have English background, they have no courage to speak, find difficulties to express there ideas, and are not confident of speaking. A challenging Book to Practice Teaching in English is a course book designed not only for non-English teachers who have no English background and strive to teach in English but also for English teachers who want to help their colleagues to practice using English in teaching and atudents of teachers colleges who intend to teach in English.
This book have been deeply though to focus on: starting to use Englisah, striving better pronunciation,being aware of common mistake, exploring theory of teaching, planning a lesson, garnishing a teching presentation, given project assignments, attempting to manage a better class, evaluating a teaching performance, and developing a teaching profession.
A Challenging Book to Practice Teaching in English is a course book designed by an academician. His academic experience has been poured into this very practical book. In addition, these materials have been tried out by some groups of non-English high School teachers and other groups of non- English lecturers at STP Bandung
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