• Modern english exercises for non-native speakers

    Modern english exercises for non-native speakers

    • Marcella Frank
    • Prentice-Hall
    • 1972
    • 0-13-593806-6

    This two part workbook is correlated with the chapters in modern english: a practical reference guide, it provides the learner of english as a second language with carefully controlled and integrated practice in mastering sentence elements learning is facilitated through examples and abundant practice rather that throught

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Kode Buku : 212741
Kode Klasifikasi : 425
Judul Buku : Modern english exercises for non-native speakers
Edisi : -
Penulis : Marcella Frank
Penerbit : Prentice-Hall
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 1972
ISBN : 0-13-593806-6
Tajuk Subjek : English Exercises
Deskripsi : 208 hal, 26 cm
Eksemplar : 12
Stok : 12
Petugas : Arum Johan Purnamasari
This two part workbook is correlated with the chapters in modern english: a practical reference guide, it provides the learner of english as a second language with carefully controlled and integrated practice in mastering sentence elements learning is facilitated through examples and abundant practice rather that throught
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