• Intensive writing

    Intensive writing

    • Sutaryo
    • Deepublish
    • 2018
    • 978-602-453-770-8

    PREFACE Intensive Writing' is one of the compulsory subjects taught to the first semester students of English Language Education Study Program of Khairun University. As an effort to improve the quality of graduates of the study program, continuous improvement in teaching and learning process including the subject knowledge and teaching and learning process has been made in accordance with changing needs and era. This book has been written to fulfil the need of improving students' knowledge and skills on some aspects of writing skills in English. This book has been written within the Indonesian Higher Education Curriculum in line with the National Standard of Higher Education and the Indonesian National Qualification Framework. As recommended by the Director General of Learning Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, the topics presented in this book apply student centred learning principles such as discussion and group work. Such learning principles allow the students to learn the topics through critical thinking, analytical, inductive, deductive, and reflective processes that lead to higher order thinking through creative and participatory discussions. In this book, concepts relating to each topic (such as paragraph, capitalization and punctuation, descriptive paragraph

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Kode Buku : 212641
Kode Klasifikasi : 421
Judul Buku : Intensive writing
Edisi : 1
Penulis : Sutaryo
Penerbit : Deepublish
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2018
ISBN : 978-602-453-770-8
Tajuk Subjek : English Structure
Deskripsi : x, 60 hlm. : ill. ; 25 cm
Eksemplar : 2
Stok : 2
Petugas : Mirani Diah Ayu, S.I.Pust
PREFACE Intensive Writing' is one of the compulsory subjects taught to the first semester students of English Language Education Study Program of Khairun University. As an effort to improve the quality of graduates of the study program, continuous improvement in teaching and learning process including the subject knowledge and teaching and learning process has been made in accordance with changing needs and era. This book has been written to fulfil the need of improving students' knowledge and skills on some aspects of writing skills in English. This book has been written within the Indonesian Higher Education Curriculum in line with the National Standard of Higher Education and the Indonesian National Qualification Framework. As recommended by the Director General of Learning Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, the topics presented in this book apply student centred learning principles such as discussion and group work. Such learning principles allow the students to learn the topics through critical thinking, analytical, inductive, deductive, and reflective processes that lead to higher order thinking through creative and participatory discussions. In this book, concepts relating to each topic (such as paragraph, capitalization and punctuation, descriptive paragraph
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