• Communicate to win 2nd edition

    Communicate to win 2nd edition

    • Richard Denny
    • PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
    • 2006
    • 979-22-2400-9

    Communication and motivation are essential for business survival--learning the skills and techniques to improve both is never time wasted. In Communicate to Win, British training guru Richard Denny shows how anyone can turn a dream of success into reality. Using his inspirational style, he reveals the secrets of successful communication. This second edition contains even more sound and practical advice on every aspect of business and personal communication. It includes new insights into how body language affects image, how to conduct good conversations and the importance of developing listening skills. There is also information on good presentation skills and advice on how to handle interviews.

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Kode Buku : 212164
Kode Klasifikasi : 302.2
Judul Buku : Communicate to win 2nd edition
Edisi : -
Penulis : Richard Denny
Penerbit : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Bahasa : Indonesia
Tahun : 2006
ISBN : 979-22-2400-9
Tajuk Subjek : Data Communication
Deskripsi : ix, 145 hlm. ; 21 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Irfan Nurchoir S.IP
Communication and motivation are essential for business survival--learning the skills and techniques to improve both is never time wasted. In Communicate to Win, British training guru Richard Denny shows how anyone can turn a dream of success into reality. Using his inspirational style, he reveals the secrets of successful communication. This second edition contains even more sound and practical advice on every aspect of business and personal communication. It includes new insights into how body language affects image, how to conduct good conversations and the importance of developing listening skills. There is also information on good presentation skills and advice on how to handle interviews.
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