• The pronunciation of english

    The pronunciation of english

    • Jones, Daniel
    • Cambridge University Press
    • 1986
    • 0-521-09369-4

    The Pronunciation of English DANIEL JONES This edition of The Pronunciation of English incorpo- rates the final results of Daniel Jones' lifelong study of English pronunciation usage. The book is the standard work on English phonetics and the name of its author will, in the words of Professor A. C. Gimson, 'remain in linguistic history as the great authority on the pronunciation of British English in the twentieth century'. The Pronunciation of English was written originally as a detailed description of the phonetics of English, presented from the point of view of the native English- speaking student. However, it soon established itself as a standard textbook in universities where English is a foreign language, because it provides in a lucid and authoritative manner the basic information needed by foreign students of the language. Most of the book is devoted to a descriptive account of English pronunciation. This is followed by illusory texts in phonetic transcription of Received Pronunciation and several regional varieties, Scottish and American pronunciation and reconstructions of Shakespearian and Chaucerian speech.

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Kode Buku : 207992
Kode Klasifikasi : 421.55
Judul Buku : The pronunciation of english
Edisi : 4
Penulis : Jones, Daniel
Penerbit : Cambridge University Press
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 1986
ISBN : 0-521-09369-4
Tajuk Subjek : Bahasa Inggris
Deskripsi : xxiv, 222 hlm. : ill. ; 18 cm
Eksemplar : 33
Stok : 33
Petugas : Arum Johan Purnamasari
The Pronunciation of English DANIEL JONES This edition of The Pronunciation of English incorpo- rates the final results of Daniel Jones' lifelong study of English pronunciation usage. The book is the standard work on English phonetics and the name of its author will, in the words of Professor A. C. Gimson, 'remain in linguistic history as the great authority on the pronunciation of British English in the twentieth century'. The Pronunciation of English was written originally as a detailed description of the phonetics of English, presented from the point of view of the native English- speaking student. However, it soon established itself as a standard textbook in universities where English is a foreign language, because it provides in a lucid and authoritative manner the basic information needed by foreign students of the language. Most of the book is devoted to a descriptive account of English pronunciation. This is followed by illusory texts in phonetic transcription of Received Pronunciation and several regional varieties, Scottish and American pronunciation and reconstructions of Shakespearian and Chaucerian speech.
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