• English grammar in use : a reference and practice book for intermediate students

    English grammar in use : a reference and practice book for intermediate students

    • Murphy, Raymond
    • Cambridge University Press
    • 1994
    • 0-521-43681-8

    English Grammar in Use A reference and practice book for intermediate students SECOND EDITION This book for intermediate and more advanced students combines reference grammar and practice exercises in a single volume. • Easy to use: on each left-hand page a grammar point is explained and on the facing page there are exercises to check understanding. • Additional exercises at the back of the book offer extra practice of grammar points from different units. • Provides comprehensive coverage in simple language of the problems intermediate students often have. • Designed to be flexible: teachers can select the units which are relevant to the needs of their students. • Contents list and detailed index ensure that users can easily find the unit (s) they need. • Suitable for use in class or for homework. • Appendices deal with irregular verbs, tenses, modal verbs, spelling, contractions and American English.

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Kode Buku : 207952
Kode Klasifikasi : 425
Judul Buku : English grammar in use : a reference and practice book for intermediate students
Edisi : 2
Penulis : Murphy, Raymond
Penerbit : Cambridge University Press
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 1994
ISBN : 0-521-43681-8
Tajuk Subjek : Bahasa Inggris
Deskripsi : x, 310 hlm. : ill. ; 24 cm
Eksemplar : 5
Stok : 5
Petugas : Arum Johan Purnamasari
English Grammar in Use A reference and practice book for intermediate students SECOND EDITION This book for intermediate and more advanced students combines reference grammar and practice exercises in a single volume. • Easy to use: on each left-hand page a grammar point is explained and on the facing page there are exercises to check understanding. • Additional exercises at the back of the book offer extra practice of grammar points from different units. • Provides comprehensive coverage in simple language of the problems intermediate students often have. • Designed to be flexible: teachers can select the units which are relevant to the needs of their students. • Contents list and detailed index ensure that users can easily find the unit (s) they need. • Suitable for use in class or for homework. • Appendices deal with irregular verbs, tenses, modal verbs, spelling, contractions and American English.
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