• English for professional hotel communication

    English for professional hotel communication

    • Susanto Leo
    • Gramedia Pustaka Utama
    • 2011
    • 978-979-22-0164-2

    Hotel industry has been growing rapidly ini Indonesia, and therofore the need of professional hoteliers to have excellent English language competency, in both written (corresondence) and oral communication, must be met without delay. English for Professional Hotel Communication is a textbook designed for supervisory and managerial levels of hotel staff and upper semester tourism students. This comprehensive work provides very interesting and challenging materials which: - Enable students to answer letters of inquire; to reconfirm reservations, to write letters of apology; tp answer letters about missing items; to write letters related to recruitment, employment, warning and termination, reminders of outstanding account, congratulations and appreciation, references, recommendations, and testimonials; to write memos, invitations, hotel notices, bangueting proposals and agreements; corporate rates, travel agency rates and group rates; to design advertisements and hotel questionnaire; to create hotel brochures, to write monthly reports, etc. - Guide them to prastise managing a job interview, giving speeches, running a meeting, givieng a briefing, organisising a presentation, etc. - Suport them to practise using the language in both written and spoken froms through self-study. - Help them improve their fluency and accuracy in using the language. English for Professional Hotel Communication is prepared by an experienced academic lecturer of the language. The materials is this book have been presented in a seminar on “English for Hotel Communication” which focused on English for supervisory and managerial levels, and they heve also been tried out in several classes in Tourism Institute of Higher Education (Sekolah Tinggi Parawisata), Bandung.

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Kode Buku : 206048
Kode Klasifikasi : 428
Judul Buku : English for professional hotel communication
Edisi : -
Penulis : Susanto Leo
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2011
ISBN : 978-979-22-0164-2
Tajuk Subjek : Toefl
Deskripsi : xvii, 323 hlm. : ill. ; 24 cm
Eksemplar : 6
Stok : 6
Petugas : Nunung Dwi Aminawati
Hotel industry has been growing rapidly ini Indonesia, and therofore the need of professional hoteliers to have excellent English language competency, in both written (corresondence) and oral communication, must be met without delay.
English for Professional Hotel Communication is a textbook designed for supervisory and managerial levels of hotel staff and upper semester tourism students. This comprehensive work provides very interesting and challenging materials which:
- Enable students to answer letters of inquire; to reconfirm reservations, to write letters of apology; tp answer letters about missing items; to write letters related to recruitment, employment, warning and termination, reminders of outstanding account, congratulations and appreciation, references, recommendations, and testimonials; to write memos, invitations, hotel notices, bangueting proposals and agreements; corporate rates, travel agency rates and group rates; to design advertisements and hotel questionnaire; to create hotel brochures, to write monthly reports, etc.
- Guide them to prastise managing a job interview, giving speeches, running a meeting, givieng a briefing, organisising a presentation, etc.
- Suport them to practise using the language in both written and spoken froms through self-study.
- Help them improve their fluency and accuracy in using the language.
English for Professional Hotel Communication is prepared by an experienced academic lecturer of the language. The materials is this book have been presented in a seminar on “English for Hotel Communication” which focused on English for supervisory and managerial levels, and they heve also been tried out in several classes in Tourism Institute of Higher Education (Sekolah Tinggi Parawisata), Bandung.
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