• Modern english a practical reference guide

    Modern english a practical reference guide

    • Frank, marcella
    • Prentice- hall
    • 1972
    • 0-13-594010-9

    MODERN ENGLISH a practical reference guide by MARCELLA FRANK Written by a specialist in English as a second language, Modern English: A Pratical Reference Guide is a comprehensive description of Eblish usage and sentence structure. Based on exhaustive research in English grammar, current usage and general linguistics, it represents a genuine synthesis of the old and the new. Designed to be practical, the book avoids a heavy use grammatical analysis and special terminology, placing its greatest emphasis on the facts of usage themselves. These are made clear by a wealth of axamples. In addition, special usages are pointed out-informal, literary, British, etc. To make the information readily available, the book is simply organized parts of speech, clauses, and verbal construction. Integrated with the description od each grammatical structure are its position and punctuation, and, for every complex structure, its possible rhetorical effect and special meaning. Modern English: A Practical reference Guide will be especially useful to the advanced learner of English as a foreign language because of its heavy concentration on such troublesome items as verb forms and articles, as well as on the sentence structures that contain or imply predications. The book will also be valuable to native speakers of English "because of its realistic description of the English language, which takes into account the many complexities of the langage that often do not fit into the simple generalizations made by most grammar books, wheter traditional or medern. "

    Kata Kunci
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Kampus:
    • Kramat 98, Margonda, Kaliabang, Karawang, Kalimalang, Bogor A, Solo, Cengkareng, BSD
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Kode Buku : 203404
Kode Klasifikasi : 420
Judul Buku : Modern english a practical reference guide
Edisi : -
Penulis : Frank, marcella
Penerbit : Prentice- hall
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 1972
ISBN : 0-13-594010-9
Tajuk Subjek : Inggris,Reference
Deskripsi : xv, 413. : ind. ; 23 cm
Eksemplar : 48
Stok : 48
Petugas : Rizka Saputri
MODERN ENGLISH a practical reference guide by MARCELLA FRANK Written by a specialist in English as a second language, Modern English: A Pratical Reference Guide is a comprehensive description of Eblish usage and sentence structure. Based on exhaustive research in English grammar, current usage and general linguistics, it represents a genuine synthesis of the old and the new. Designed to be practical, the book avoids a heavy use grammatical analysis and special terminology, placing its greatest emphasis on the facts of usage themselves. These are made clear by a wealth of axamples. In addition, special usages are pointed out-informal, literary, British, etc. To make the information readily available, the book is simply organized parts of speech, clauses, and verbal construction. Integrated with the description od each grammatical structure are its position and punctuation, and, for every complex structure, its possible rhetorical effect and special meaning. Modern English: A Practical reference Guide will be especially useful to the advanced learner of English as a foreign language because of its heavy concentration on such troublesome items as verb forms and articles, as well as on the sentence structures that contain or imply predications. The book will also be valuable to native speakers of English "because of its realistic description of the English language, which takes into account the many complexities of the langage that often do not fit into the simple generalizations made by most grammar books, wheter traditional or medern. "
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