• Satu american breakthrough

    Satu american breakthrough

    • Richards, jack c
    • Oxford
    • 1989
    • 0-19-584900-0

    Breakthrough is a three-part course for upper secondary students and young adults whose previous training in English has provided little in the way of communicative skills. This new edition of Breakthrough provides: A syllabus organized around a core of essential functions, topics and grammatical nation. a primary focus on the development of listening and speaking skills. training in communicative writing and reading skills. a variety of realistic learning situation and activities. graded practice exercises. maximum student involvement trough group and pair work. authentic language, both spoken and written. Cassettes are available for each part of the course. They contain recording of the presentation dialogues listening comprehension exercises, and fiuency drills. There also a Student's Workbook an a comprehensive Teacher's Book to accompany eacn part of the course.

    Kata Kunci
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    • Margonda, Karawang, BSD
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Kode Buku : 203400
Kode Klasifikasi : 420
Judul Buku : Satu american breakthrough
Edisi : -
Penulis : Richards, jack c
Penerbit : Oxford
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 1989
ISBN : 0-19-584900-0
Tajuk Subjek : Breakthrough
Deskripsi : xii, 132 hlm. : ill. ; 24 cm
Eksemplar : 4
Stok : 4
Petugas : Mirani Diah Ayu, S.I.Pust
Breakthrough is a three-part course for upper secondary students and young adults whose previous training in English has provided little in the way of communicative skills.
This new edition of Breakthrough provides:
A syllabus organized around a core of essential functions, topics and grammatical nation.
a primary focus on the development of listening and speaking skills.
training in communicative writing and reading skills.
a variety of realistic learning situation and activities.
graded practice exercises.
maximum student involvement trough group and pair work.
authentic language, both spoken and written.
Cassettes are available for each part of the course. They contain recording of the presentation dialogues listening comprehension exercises, and fiuency drills.
There also a Student's Workbook an a comprehensive Teacher's Book to accompany eacn part of the course.
Terkait Subjek Buku yang sama

  • Satu american breakthrough
    Satu american breakthrough
    • Richards, jack c
    • Oxford
    • 1989
    • 0-19-584900-0

    Breakthrough is a three-part course for upper secondary students and young adults whose previous training in English has provided little in the way of communicative skills. This new edition of ... Lihat Selengkapnya



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