• Network security first-step

    Network security first-step

    • TomThomas
    • ANDI
    • 2004
    • 979-731-794-3

    Throughout his many years in the networking industry, Tom has taught thousands of people how networking works and the secrets of the life of a packet. Tom is the author or coauthor of 18 books on networking, including the acclaimed OSPF Network Design Solutions, published by Cisco Press and now in its second edition. Beyond his many books, Tom also has taught computer and networking skills through his roles as an instructor and training-course developer. In addition to holding the Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) certification–the pinnacle of networking certifications–Tom holds Cisco CCNP Security, CCDA, and CCNA certifications and is a certified Cisco Systems instructor (CCSI). These certifications support his industry-proven, problem-solving skills through technical leadership with demonstrated persistence and the ability to positively assist businesses in leveraging IT resources in support of their core business. He has also completed his Master of Science degree in network architecture and is looking at a doctorate next. Tom currently is the CIO of Qoncert, a Cisco Gold Partner in Southern Florida that has an affiliated arm known as CCPrep.com, a Cisco Learning Partner, where he provides strategic direction and a little hands-on for customers of all types.

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Kode Buku : 201815
Kode Klasifikasi : 004.68
Judul Buku : Network security first-step
Edisi : 1
Penulis : TomThomas
Penerbit : ANDI
Bahasa : Indonesia
Tahun : 2004
ISBN : 979-731-794-3
Tajuk Subjek : Network,Komputer
Deskripsi : xxiv, 520 hlm. ; 23 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Novita Indriyani, M.Kom
Throughout his many years in the networking industry, Tom has taught thousands of people how networking works and the secrets of the life of a packet. Tom is the author or coauthor of 18 books on networking, including the acclaimed OSPF Network Design Solutions, published by Cisco Press and now in its second edition. Beyond his many books, Tom also has taught computer and networking skills through his roles as an instructor and training-course developer.

In addition to holding the Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) certification–the pinnacle of networking certifications–Tom holds Cisco CCNP Security, CCDA, and CCNA certifications and is a certified Cisco Systems instructor (CCSI). These certifications support his industry-proven, problem-solving skills through technical leadership with demonstrated persistence and the ability to positively assist businesses in leveraging IT resources in support of their core business. He has also completed his Master of Science degree in network architecture and is looking at a doctorate next.

Tom currently is the CIO of Qoncert, a Cisco Gold Partner in Southern Florida that has an affiliated arm known as CCPrep.com, a Cisco Learning Partner, where he provides strategic direction and a little hands-on for customers of all types.
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