Online Public Access Catalog

Ditemukan 57 hasil di pencarian Tugas Akhir

  • Translation shift of noun in short story entitled bawang merah bawang putih

    • Divi Citra Cendani
    • 2022

    Translation has been considered a significant role for a long time. With a different grammatical system in each language, it can be found that there are word shifts in the translation. In accordance with the theory of (Catford, 1965:73), shifts in the translation are classified into two types: Level Shifts and Category Shifts. This analysis only focuses on Structure Shifts and Unit Shifts that ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 63 kali

  • Translation process of youtube videos in aquair indonesia channel

    • Rafidah Salsabilah
    • 2022

    PT. Aquair Indonesia Raya is a company that sells various ornamental fish, making aqua capes, etc. Translation is the process of transferring a message from the source language into the target language by considering the range of matching and text. This study aimed to (1) identify the procedures applied in translating word for word, and (2) to determine the extent to which the use of procedures ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 57 kali



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