Online Public Access Catalog

Ditemukan 192 hasil di pencarian Tugas Akhir

  • The Struggle To Save The Universe Directed By Peter Berg

    • Firmansyah As
    • 2020

    Firmansyah As (3117063), THE STRUGGLE TO SAVE THE UNIVERSE DIRECTED BYPETER BERG This is the result of the analysis submitted to alex hopper's personality in movie directed by Peter berg, the purpose of the analysis was to provide clear data and to identify the main character of alex hopper in movie.The writer also analyzes the signs and causes the main character to do a thing. In this ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 205 kali

  • Struggle Of Main Character In The Greatest Showman Movie Directed By Michael Gracey

    • Yusianah
    • 2020

    Yusianah ( 31170025 ) Struggle Of Main Character In The Greatest Showman Movie Directed By Michael Gracey.   The purpose of this paper is as a graduation requirement for diploma three program in English. In this final assignment, the writer wants to discuss about the struggles that people in a particular discussion can undertake. Author using a qualitative descriptive research method ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 277 kali

  • Speech Act in Coco movie Directed by Lee Unkrich and Adrian Molina

    • Ratna Aulia
    • 2021

    This research is about speech acts, and the authors state the following as the study''s issue. ‘What are the types of speech acts on Coco movie’ In line with the previous formulation, the aim of this study is to classify the different types of speech actions in the film Coco. In the first chapter, the author discusses the background and reasons for choosing the title, ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 249 kali

  • The Struggle of the Main Character in Fast and Furious 9 Movie Directed by Justin Lin

    • Suparman
    • 2021

    The purpose of this research is to analyze the struggle of the main character Dom in the movie Fast and Furious 9 directed by Justin Lin which tells the story of the struggle of the main character who struggles to solve the problems in the movie that is to save the world's population from a plan made by Chiper to destroy the world with a device called Ares. In analyzing this movie the author ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 199 kali

  • The Father's Patience The Still Water Movie Directed By Tom Mccarthy

    • Dinda Dipanirmala Prima Citra
    • 2021

    As we know Movie is a media that can entertain people. In my opinion movie is not just for entertaining people, but as a part of literature work movie also conveyed some information inside. People can learn both knowledge information and social. People can also learn moral message conveyed in the movie. The purpose of the study was that the author wanted to analyze the patience of the main cast ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 245 kali



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