Online Public Access Catalog

Ditemukan 7 hasil di pencarian Skripsi

  • The Recovery on Trauma of the Main Character in See You on Venus Movie

    • Ulfa Novitasari
    • 2023

    Trauma is a condition that arises as a result of a scary experience or event that happened to someone, such as natural disasters, physical violence, sexual harassment, and traffic accident. The response caused by trauma is have suicidal thought and depression, which affects a person's mentality due to the traumatic event they experienced. The purpose of this study is to know the causes and ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 51 kali

  • Gender dysphoria and trauma of main character in i wish you all the best novel by mason deaver

    • Stanley Novaldo
    • 2022

    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis disforia gender dan trauma pada Ben de Backer, yang merupakan karakter utama dari novel karya Mason Deaver yang berjudul I Wish You All the Best. Novel ini mengisahkan susah-senang dalam kehidupan Ben de Backer sebagai seorang non-biner yang masih di bawah umur. Objek dari penelitian ini ialah guna menganalisis gejala-gejala disforia gender dan trauma ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 113 kali

  • A Traumatic Experience In The Fallout movie

    • Insiyah
    • 2023

    Trauma is a condition that arises as a result of a scary experience or event, such as natural disasters, physical violence, sexual harassment, etc. The response caused by trauma is post-traumatic stress disorder, which affects a person's mentality due to the traumatic event he experienced. The purpose of this study is to know the causes and effects of post-traumatic disorders and the types of ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 121 kali

  • Mental Illness Main Character in the Movie Daddy’s Perfect Little Girl Directed by Curtis Crawford

    • Restalia
    • 2023

    Mental illness is a mental or psychological disorder or a health condition that affects an individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in their daily life. The purpose of this research is to analyze and understand the mental illnesses experienced by the main character, to identify the types of mental illnesses and factors that contribute to the main character's mental disturbances, and ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 133 kali

  • Schizophrenia Behavior in the Main Character of Fractured Movie Directed By Brad Anderson

    • Adinda Tria Paramitha
    • 2021

    This research is purposed to analyze the cause and impact of Schizophrenia behavior in the main character who has a severe mental disorder that is presented in the Fractured movie. In conducting this research, a qualitative descriptive method is used to describe the symptoms of Schizophrenic Behavior Disorder so that the theory is appropriate to find the cause and impact of the disorder carried ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 365 kali

  • Mental illness of the main character in joker movie based on psychological perspective

    • Dwi Indah Lestari
    • 2021

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the main character who is described as having  Mental Illness. The film, titled Joker, which was released in 2019, was directed by  Todd Phillips. The author chooses the Joker movie and uses the main character as the  object of this research. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive  method. The results of this study are (1) ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 226 kali

  • Representasi Bullying Dalam Drama Korea The Glory.

    • Chalimatu Sa'diyah Aljauza
    • 2023

    Drama The Glory merupakan drama yang menceritakan tentang ambisi balas dendam seorang korban bullying yang terjadi di lingkungan sekolah. Cerita ini terdapat tindak bullying secara verbal maupun non verbal. Bullying merupakan sebuah perilaku yang biasaya dilakukan secara berkelompok yang akan berdampak kepada korban, salah satunya adalah rasa trauma yang amat mendalam. Penelitian ini dilakukan ... Lihat Selengkapnya

    Kata Kunci

    dilihat : 18 kali



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