Analyzing Bullying Cases Of The Main Character In The Joker Movie

  • Putri Arsy Salsabila
  • 2021




Putri Arsy Salsabila (31180133), Analyzing Bullying Cases of the Main Character in the Joker Movie

The objective of this paper is to find out how bullying cases occur in the Joker movie, the impact of bullying to the main character, and what moral messages can be taken. Bullying is an act or behavior that is carried out by physically, verbally or emotionally and psychologically by a person or group who feels stronger to the victim who is physically or mentally weak repeatedly without resistance to make the victim suffer. The writer uses a qualitative method with sources from the original Joker movie to obtain data. The writer watched this movie several times, and made observations to strengthen the analysis. And also the writer uses library research and internet sources. The results of this study are the writer find the kinds of bullying cases that found in the Joker movie: (1) Physical Bullying (2) Verbal Bullying (3) Exclusivity Bullying. The writer also finds the impact on the main characters: (1) Depression (2) lose mind (3) Vengeful person (4) become a criminal person. Meanwhile, the moral messages obtained from this movie are: (1) Mental health is important (2) Be kind to everyone

(3) Don't wear a mask (4) Popularity can't buy happiness (5) Respect other people feelings. This study reveals that cases of bullying in the joker movie can happen anywhere, anytime and by anyone with bullies who look aggressive both verbally and physically and those who bully often look stronger than victims who are classified as weak or have mental illness so they look different from people in general.

Key words: Bullying, Main Characters, Movie

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Detail Informasi

Tugas Akhir ini ditulis oleh :

  • 31180133 - Putri Arsy Salsabila
  • Prodi : Bahasa Inggris
  • Kampus : Kramat 98
  • Tahun : 2021
  • Periode : I
  • Pembimbing : Dwi Indarti, SS, M.Hum
  • Asisten : -
  • Kode : 0002.D3.IN.TA.I.2021
  • Diinput oleh : NSI
  • Terakhir update : 14 Desember 2022
  • Dilihat : 112 kali



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