• 2021



Ega Rispialin (15170283), Implementasi Algoritma J48 Pada Pengujian Data Website Phising

Masalah pemalsuan atau pengelabuan situs web dianggap sebagai masalah sangat sensitif dan sangat populer di Indonesia seperti dibidang Industri khususnya e-banking, e-commerce dan lain sebagainya. Sebagian orang banyak yang mengabaikan masalah tersebut karena tidak terlalu memperdulikannya, adapula Sebagian orang yang merasa sangat terganggu dengan situs Web yang terkena retas/phisy. Contohnya seperti kasus dalam hal mengambil jumlah transaksi online yang melibatkan pembayaran melalui situs Web, tidak sedikit situs Web yang sah melainkan banyak sekali situs Web yang dipalsukan. Ketika sebuah situs Web dianggap mencurigakan, itu berarti situs tersebut dapat bersifat phishy atau sah, artinya situs Web tersebut memiliki beberapa fitur yang sah. Penulis melakukan studi untuk menentukan algoritma yang paling tepat dan yang paling baik. Penentuan Algoritma dengan perbandingan antara teknik klasifikasi Algoritma. Berdasarkan beberapa penelitian terkait dan Algoritma maka penelitian ini akan menguji dengan Algoritma J48 karena Hasil dari ini studi menunjukkan bahwa Algoritma J48 kedalam Algoritma yang paling tepat yang digunakan dengan nilai rata-rata akurasi adalah 88.30% serta menghasilkan lebih kecil tingkat Error/kesalahan



Ega Rispialin (15170283), Implementation of J48 Algorithm in Phising Website Data Testing

The problem of website counterfeiting or deception is considered a very sensitive issue and is very popular in Indonesia such as in the industrial sector, especially e-banking, e-commerce and so on. There are many people who ignore the problem because they don't really care about it, there are also Some people who feel very annoyed with websites that are hacked / phisy. For example, in the case of taking a number of online transactions involving payments through websites, not a few websites are legitimate but a lot of websites are faked. When a website is deemed suspicious, it means that the site can be phishy or legitimate, meaning that the website has some legitimate features. The author conducted a study to determine the most appropriate and best algorithm. Determination of Algorithm by comparison between Algorithm classification techniques. Based on several related studies and algorithms, this study will test the J48 Algorithm because the results of this study show that the J48 Algorithm is the most appropriate algorithm used with an average accuracy value of 88.30% and produces a smaller error rate

Kata Kunci
Daftar Pustaka


Ega Rispialin (15170283), Implementation of J48 Algorithm in Phising Website Data Testing

The problem of website counterfeiting or deception is considered a very sensitive issue and is very popular in Indonesia such as in the industrial sector, especially e-banking, e-commerce and so on. There are many people who ignore the problem because they don't really care about it, there are also Some people who feel very annoyed with websites that are hacked / phisy. For example, in the case of taking a number of online transactions involving payments through websites, not a few websites are legitimate but a lot of websites are faked. When a website is deemed suspicious, it means that the site can be phishy or legitimate, meaning that the website has some legitimate features. The author conducted a study to determine the most appropriate and best algorithm. Determination of Algorithm by comparison between Algorithm classification techniques. Based on several related studies and algorithms, this study will test the J48 Algorithm because the results of this study show that the J48 Algorithm is the most appropriate algorithm used with an average accuracy value of 88.30% and produces a smaller error rate

Detail Informasi

Tugas Akhir ini ditulis oleh :

  • 15170283 - EGA RISPIALIN
  • Prodi : Informatika
  • Kampus : Sukabumi
  • Tahun : 2021
  • Periode : I
  • Pembimbing : Rizal Amegia Saputra, M.Kom
  • Asisten : A. Gunawan, M.Kom
  • Kode : 0019.S1.IK.SKRIPSI.I.2021
  • Diinput oleh : ASR
  • Terakhir update : 22 Juni 2022
  • Dilihat : 224 kali



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