Improving Descriptive Text Through Mind Mapping Technique For The Eighth Grade Students

  • Yuli Sarah
  • 2021


The objective of this research is to know the effectiveness and the strength of mind mapping technique to improve students’ descriptive text. The research was conducted for the eighth grade students at SMP Al Basyariah in the academic year 2019/2020. The method of the research used a descriptive qualitative method to interpret the object to the fact and to give the situation systematically and correctly. This study investigated how to improve students’ descriptive text  and to increase their writing skills through mind mapping technique. The writer was collected the data through observation, teaching-learning process and library research. The data shown on this paper contains the preparation of teaching, teaching-learning process and the evaluation of teaching. The result of this research indicated that: (1) Mind mapping technique is one of a good way to improve students’ descriptive text; (2) Students’ skill in writing descriptive text is increased; (3) Through mind mapping techniques, students can more easily express their ideas and be creative in writing descriptive text.

Kata Kunci
Daftar Pustaka

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Detail Informasi

Tugas Akhir ini ditulis oleh :

  • 33200167 - Yuli Sarah
  • Prodi : Sastra Inggris
  • Kampus : Cengkareng
  • Tahun : 2021
  • Periode : II
  • Pembimbing : Sukmono Bayu Adhi , M.Pd
  • Asisten :
  • Kode : 0015.S1.EL.SKRIPSI.II.2021
  • Diinput oleh : ARM
  • Terakhir update : 23 Juni 2022
  • Dilihat : 269 kali



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