• 2023


Language is a tool for human to communicate with other human. One of those form of language is figurative language. Although figurative language helps human to convey their meaning much better, sometimes it is sounds strange and caused misinterpretation when figurative language was used. That is why learning figurative language is one of the most important thing to improve communication skill. There are many different media that people can use to learn types of figurative language such as novel, poetry, short story, music and movies. This research aims to find out what type(s) of figurative language that appears in The Prestige movie and which type of figurative language that appears the most within the movie. The researcher uses the qualitative research for this research to obtain and analyze each data that are found within the dialogue inside The Prestige movie. For the result, the researcher found out that there are 7 types of figurative language from 26 data that appears in the movie. Those data are 9 hyperbole, 5 metaphor, 6 personification, 1 metonymy, 2 simile, 1 paradox, and 2 irony. Thus the researcher also found out that the type of figurative language that appears the most is hyperbol

Kata Kunci
Daftar Pustaka

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Detail Informasi

Tugas Akhir ini ditulis oleh :

  • 33190041 - JASIR AL-FARUQ
  • Prodi : Sastra Inggris
  • Kampus : Margonda
  • Tahun : 2023
  • Periode : II
  • Pembimbing : Octa Pratama Putra, S.S., M. Pd
  • Asisten :
  • Kode : 0032.S1.EL.SKRIPSI.II.2023
  • Diinput oleh : dpw
  • Terakhir update : 20 Maret 2024
  • Dilihat : 70 kali



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