The use of social media in english learning during the international credit transfer (ict) at management and science university malaysia

  • Khoirum Marzuqoh
  • 2023


The Covid-19 outbreak has profoundly changed our education system. The International Credit Transfer (ICT) is held through online learning. This study explores the use of social media in English learning during the ICT at Management and Science University Malaysia. the aim of the study is to find out the social media used during the ICT program and the impact of it. The research uses a qualitative research method by gathering and analyzing non-numerical data. Social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Zoom, Google Meet, Padlet, Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter are commonly used during the ICT program for English language learning. These social media serve as tools for facilitating communication, conducting video conferences, exchanging educational materials, discussion, submitting assignments, and participating in collaborative activities. The impact of social media to English learning of the ICT program at MSU University is the improvement in writing skill as the students write more during discussion or chatting with the classmates or lecturer. The students can get around the constraints and succeed in their online learning during the ICT program by being proactive and looking for answers, using available resources, and keeping in good contact with teachers and peers. to overcome these limitations and achieve success in online learning during the ICT program.

Kata Kunci
Daftar Pustaka

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Detail Informasi

Tugas Akhir ini ditulis oleh :

  • 33190201 - Khoirum Marzuqoh
  • Prodi : Sastra Inggris
  • Kampus : Kramat 98
  • Tahun : 2023
  • Periode : I
  • Pembimbing : Ary Iswanto Wibowo, S.S., M.Pd.
  • Asisten : -
  • Kode : 0025.S1.EL.SKRIPSI.I.2023
  • Diinput oleh : AMW
  • Terakhir update : 06 Desember 2023
  • Dilihat : 75 kali



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