The parenting style of matt logellin in fatherhood movie directed by paul weitz

  • Heydi Ruth Larashandy
  • 2022


According to (Afifah, 2021) parenting style is a form of expression of parents in raising their children. The research also aims to analyze the parenting style of Matt Logellin, as the main character of Fatherhood Movie directed by Paul Weitz. Descriptive qualitative is used to analyze the types and the impacts of the parenting style of the main character. The writer found that there are three types of  parenting style that fit Matt Logellin; they are 1) authoritative parenting, 2) permissive parenting, 3) neglected parenting.  Furthermore, this study resulted in  eight impacts of  Matt Logellin’s parenting styles that are 1) difficulty  to maintain and keep relationships, 2) difficult in social interaction, 3) difficult following the rules, 4) poor impulse control, 5) experiencing feelings of sadness, 6) develop independence, 7) good social skill, and 8) poor impulse control.  Practically, this research  is hopefully useful as a reference for readers who will carry out similar research, especially in terms of parenting style and impact of the parenting style.

Kata Kunci
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Detail Informasi

Tugas Akhir ini ditulis oleh :

  • 33210146 - Heydi Ruth Larashandy
  • Prodi : Sastra Inggris
  • Kampus : Kramat 98
  • Tahun : 2022
  • Periode : II
  • Pembimbing : Nurhayati S, SS., M.Pd
  • Asisten : -
  • Kode : 0007.S1.EL.SKRIPSI.II.2022
  • Diinput oleh : AMW
  • Terakhir update : 14 November 2023
  • Dilihat : 93 kali



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