Perancangan program e-arsip berbasis website di kelurahan rawa bunga jakarta timur

  • Geri Darmawan
  • 2023


Currently, document management in the East Jakarta Rawa Bunga District still faces issues related to efficiency, reliability, and security. The increasingly complex administrative responsibilities make the process of archiving and searching conventional documents performed manually ineffective anymore. Kelurahan Rawa Bunga has experienced an increase in the number of documents that need to be managed, including application letters, decisions, notifications, and other records. For the design of the e-archive program based on the website in Kelurahan Rawa Bunga Jakarta East, the software development model chosen is the waterfall model. This model is a simple and linear software development model that allows software development to be carried out gradually and structuredly, from planning to testing and maintenance. The program design in this research resulted in an e-archive system on the East Jakarta Rawa Bunga, which can make the process of managing the archives to be easy.The e-archives program allows for the storage of documents digitally, reducing reliance on physical space. Advanced search features speed up the document search process. By using e-archive programs, Rawa Bunga can reduce the use of paper and other physical materials, saving costs and storage space. Users also get easy access to documents anytime and anywhere. A well-organized e- archive system and efficient search features reduce time and effort in the search for documents, improving the efficiency and productivity of work.

Kata Kunci
Daftar Pustaka

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Detail Informasi

Tugas Akhir ini ditulis oleh :

  • 17191137 - Geri Darmawan
  • Prodi : Teknologi Informasi
  • Kampus : Kramat 98
  • Tahun : 2023
  • Periode : I
  • Pembimbing : Ahmad Al Kaafi, M.Kom
  • Asisten : -
  • Kode : 0047.S1.TI.SKRIPSI.I.2023
  • Diinput oleh : AMW
  • Terakhir update : 14 Desember 2023
  • Dilihat : 106 kali



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