• How to teach english

    How to teach english

    • Jeremi Harmer
    • Longman
    • 2003
    • 0582-29796-6

    This is an introduction to the teaching of English. Its emphasis is on practical issues and it is appropriate for self-study and for use with classes of trainee teachers. The early chapters address such issues as How can we be good teachers?, What makes a good learner? and how can teachers make classes better?. The book suggests a way of looking at a variety of teaching methods according to a single model of teaching and goes on to offer a concise theoretical guide to the description of language. Subsequent chapters look at specific teaching methods, particularly in relation to the four skills, as well as offering ideas on textbook use, lesson planning and coping with the unexpected. For each chapter a range of tasks is provided to stimulate debate and further thought.

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Kode Buku : 212783
Kode Klasifikasi : 425
Judul Buku : How to teach english
Edisi : -
Penulis : Jeremi Harmer
Penerbit : Longman
Bahasa : Inggris
Tahun : 2003
ISBN : 0582-29796-6
Tajuk Subjek : English Teaching
Deskripsi : 198 hal, 26 cm
Eksemplar : 1
Stok : 1
Petugas : Novita Indriyani, M.Kom
This is an introduction to the teaching of English. Its emphasis is on practical issues and it is appropriate for self-study and for use with classes of trainee teachers. The early chapters address such issues as How can we be good teachers?, What makes a good learner? and how can teachers make classes better?. The book suggests a way of looking at a variety of teaching methods according to a single model of teaching and goes on to offer a concise theoretical guide to the description of language. Subsequent chapters look at specific teaching methods, particularly in relation to the four skills, as well as offering ideas on textbook use, lesson planning and coping with the unexpected. For each chapter a range of tasks is provided to stimulate debate and further thought.
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